エラー 0x800C013E 問題には、パソコンのクラッシュやフリーズの他、ウイルス感染の可能性も含まれています。こうした Windows Live Mail ランタイムエラーを素早く簡単に修復する方法を習得しましょう!
Abaixo mensagem de erro: Servidor: 'pop.gmail.com'. ID do Erro do Windows 12 Oct 2011 A TCP/IP error occurred while trying to send data to the server. Server: 'pop3.live. com' Windows Live Mail Error ID: 0x800CCC13. Protocol: 6 Apr 2021 How to Fix Windows Live Mail Message Body Not Showing Issue . photo. Rectification Of Windows Live Mail Error Id 0x800CCC0B photo.
Bei mir funktioniert Windows Live Mail immer noch nicht. Na een update van mijn laptop werken mijn e-mail accounts bij Windows Live Mail 2012 niet meer. Ik krijg de volgende foutmelding: Er is een onbekende fout opgetreden. Server: 'pop.kpnmail.nl' Windows Live Mail-fout-id: 0x800C013E Protocol: POP3 Poort: 110 Beveiligd(SSL): Nee. Is hier iets aan te doen?
O Windows Live Mail é o cliente de email que faz parte do conjunto de aplicativos do Windows Live da Microsoft. Um erro comum encontrado ao usar o Live
How to Fix Windows Live Mail Message Body Not Showing Issue Rectification Of Windows Live Mail Error Id 0x800CCC0B. Windows Live Mail 2012 IMAP. mail.a3mail.se port 143 (okrypterad) port 993 (SSL).
Du kan läsa Gmail-meddelanden i andra e-postklienter, som Microsoft Outlook eller Apple Mail, genom att konfigurera IMAP och ändra SMTP-inställningarna.
If the problem continues, contact your server administrator or Intern Unfortunately it seems that Windows Live Mail doesn't play nicely with Windows 10 itself. So, you can either use the browser or move to something like Outlook.com instead, which then works fine natively with Windows 10. Greetings all, I trust someone can assist me in resolving my issue with Win 10 and WLM 2011 (Windows Live Mail.) Previous to upgrading to Windows 10, I sent and received emails using WLM. No problems, everything worked fine. After Win 10 install over win 7, (keep all settings, apps etc) I Nesse vídeo aprenda a arrumar o erro 0x800C013E do Windows Live Mail, que acontece após atualizar o Windows 10.Apenas adicionando algumas chaves no registro AboutPressCopyrightContact Open Windows live mail > Click tools > click Accounts > Select the email account and then click Remove > Click yes when it prompts to confirm.
Windows Live Mail Error ID: 0x800C013E. Protocol: POP3. Port: 110. Secure (SSL): No.
Solutions to fix Windows Live Mail Error 0x800c013e Compatibility problems. If Windows Live Mail stops working, one of the reasons may be an incompatibility with the system. Create a New Account. If the first method does not resolve this error 0x800C013E then create a new Windows Live mail Change
After installing the Windows 10 Feature Update 2004 (Build 19041.xx), you may be unable to send or receive emails using Windows Live Mail Version 2012.
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[Fix] Windows Live Mail Error 0x800C013E in Windows 10 After installing the Windows 10 Feature Update 2004 (Build 19041.xx), you may be unable to send or receive emails using Windows Live Mail Version 2012. The error message may look like the following: Unable to send or receive messages for the [name] account.
Click ‘ + ’ icon with @ sign. Fill in the credentials with the correct user name and password. Check the checkbox ‘ Manually Configure Server Settings.’
But it still seems that I should be able to go through my Windows Live Mail vs.
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Windows Live mail error 0x800CCC0F 1. I had the same message today, I solved it by going to windows mail, clicked on Tools, than on Options
14. Het duurt even en Windows Live Mail herindexeert. Daarna zou het weer als voorheen moeten werken. Note – Als u de Registry Editor opnieuw opent en de waarden bekijkt, zult u zien dat alle drie de DWORD waarden vanzelf weer op 0 staan.